
Somewhat Happier


oftentimes these guys get stuck between the window and the screen, and that can end badly too, sort of Scylla and the Charybdis...

but i'm glad this fellow knows a way out.


ellroon said...

Yes, it's alive! Cool photo, with the silhouette of the lizard and the bottles.

charley said...

it's beautification time. a lizards gotta keep up appearances.

thanx for the comment below.

i don't hate my life, i just think i'm under-performing.

then again, it only ends one way. hopefully, without the ants...

Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

charlie...yooou're an optimist? who gnu?

ellroon said...

Caught your compliment on the threads when I checked back later. Thank you, kind sir!